Woocommerce Estimated Delivery Date Per Product

The estimated delivery date is the date when your order will arrive. Generally, this date is based on a combination of the processing time for the products you ordered, the transit time, and the order date.

  • Show your customers approx. when will get their item.
  • Show customised estimated delivery date for each product .
  • Show customized estimated delivery date for each variations.
  • Option to show delivery date on cart and checkout page.
  • Show estimated delivery date in order email.

Premium Features

Most of the eCommerce stores have connections between warehouses, shipping agencies, and suppliers to ship the products to customers. Customers are always eager to know when their products will reach to them. Therefore they expect while placing an order online they see approx. on which day or within how many days product they will get.

Set estimated delivery date per product

Allows you to set delivery date for each product. Just add days into settings based on days it will calculate estimated delivery date. For example you added 3 days, So delivery date will be current date + 3 days = X date.

Display estimated delivery date on product detail page

Allows you to set option to show delivery date on product detail page. Date will be shown at position which you set from general settings.

General settings for Delivery date
  • Set estimated delivery date text.
  • Set estimated delivery date font size and font color.
  • Set estimated delivery date format.
  • Exclude Saturday or Sunday from delivery date.
  • Enable disable entire plugin functionality.
  • Enable / Disable estimated date text on each product .
Set estimated delivery date per product variations

Allows you to set estimated delivery date for each variations in products. So this will help your user to know expected delivery date before purchase.

Display estimated delivery date on cart, checkout and order page

Allows you to show your delivery date on cart items, checkout, order completed page and display estimated delivery date in order email.

Change Log = Version 1.4.0 =

  • Fix minor issue
  • Compatible with latest WC 4.4 and WP 5.5

= Version 1.3.0 =

  • fix: php warning for deprecated functions and make compatible with latest WC 3.5

= Version 1.2.0 =

  • Exclude Saturday or Sunday or Both Weekend days from Delivery date
Last Update28 August 20
Created14 October 16
Gutenberg OptimizedNo
High ResolutionNo
Compatible BrowsersIE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Compatible WithWooCommerce 4.3.x, WooCommerce 4.2.x, WooCommerce 4.1.x, WooCommerce 4.0.x, WooCommerce 3.9.x, WooCommerce 3.8.x, WooCommerce 3.7.x, WooCommerce 3.6.x
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software VersionWordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x